High Conflict Divorce

High Conflict Divorce

Going through a difficult divorce? Trying to keep your children out of the middle? Licensed marriage and family therapist Ann Woodward Hines, with offices in both Marin and Santa Cruz Counties, CA, offers therapy for individuals, families, and children to help.

How Therapy Can Help with Divorces

Divorce is never easy. Even if both parties agree that it’s best, it’s still a major transition – and an emotional one. Mourning the loss of a dream can be difficult, to say the least. Splitting assets, moving, and other factors can be stressful. And all of this can be said even of the most amenable divorces.

Unfortunately, many divorces are anything but amenable – and some are termed high-conflict divorces. More often than not, if you have children, they tend to suffer the most in such cases, especially if they are in the middle of a custody battle. However, therapy can help turn it all around. Learn more about the benefits of de-escalating the process and protecting the children’s mental health.

It Provides a Safe, Non-Judgmental Space

You’re going through an emotional time and want to talk about how you feel. No matter how much friends and family love you, you might not be able to talk as freely as you’d like. They might be angry at your ex, which could make the situation more volatile. 

Your therapist allows your child or children to speak freely without the fear of hurting either parent. Her expertise in court-involved therapy or mediation is both educational and therapeutic.

In the midst of the extreme conflict, you need to be able to process your thoughts and feelings and begin to move forward. Therapy allows you to switch your focus, which not only helps you heal but can make the often protracted divorce proceedings easier to get through.

It Provides Support and Guidance for Co-Parenting

Children and their well-being should be at the forefront, but that is often overlooked by one or both parties during high-conflict divorces. Therapy can help you learn to put your children’s needs first and co-parent effectively and with the children’s interests at heart.

Don’t let a divorce destroy your mental health or your children’s well-being. Schedule an appointment with Ann Woodward Hines in person in Santa Cruz or Marin County or online throughout California by calling (831) 566-9416

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